
Aegis Consider Yourself Cherished


Fagin was our pick stud dog puppy from Aegis' Broadway Show Tunes litter our of their girl, Pluck, and our boy, Shep. Fagin lives locally in Waynesville.

Fagin is a super sweet, sensitive, and gentle boy. He can take a few minutes to warm up to new people but is amazing with other animals (big and small - his canine brother is only 10 lbs), loves little humans (is the best big brother to his tiny human brother), and is a very soft, gentle, old soul! We thought the show scene may be a bit much for him so have never shown Fagin but structurally he is a moderate, correct boy with medium bone. He loves playing with jolly balls, his dog friends, and swimming in the pond.

Height (in) at Withers
Weight (lbs)
Energy Level (1 - 10)
Titles Earned
Titled Offspring

Additional Photos

Litters Sired

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