
CH Cherished You Hush Up Your Mouth NWPD WWD


Magnolia is a super sweet, playful girl that gets along with everyone she meets - she loves people and is super affectionate! She was the purple girl from our 'Yertle the Turtle' litter. She tends to be a little intimidated at first by new dogs and then quickly is ready to play. She definitely lived up to her name 'you hush up your mouth' and LOVES to talk. She'll make all sorts of noises and sounds exactly like she's talking back to you half the time. She lives with the Woods family in OH with her swissy 'sister' Belle.

Magnolia is a stunning girl - her side gait is simply exquisite. She has perfectly matched reach and drive, very clean coming and going, and a pretty moment of suspension in the trot that you don't see a lot in swissies. Her sound structure and athleticism definitely show through when she moves! She finished quickly with very limited showing including taking Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the independent specialty the day after the 2019 GSMDCA National Specialty. This was a HUGE win for her out of the 12-18 month class and we were very honored.

She has earned both her Novice Pack Dog title and her Novice weight pull title.

Height (in) at Withers
Weight (lbs)
Energy Level (1 - 10)
Titles Earned
Titled Offspring

Additional Photos

Litters Whelped

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